Friday, January 5, 2007


produced by Theater At The Center, Munster, Indiana.

Boring. Flat. Embarrassing.
Did the director tell the actors, "tone it down. You'll wake the dead. Shhhh." Or was it the choreographer who said, "Don't be too energetic out there." Or was this production under funded, "Sorry, cast, but exuberance cost just too darn much money, these days."

Well, to tell the truth, the audiences for this community theater are made up of boring, flat and easily embarrassed small town, tired and worn out, middle aged families, who would have heart attacks all, if an ounce of drama were to awaken within their collective breast.
Here is another subscription audience that runs the show, giving new meaning to the aphorism, "the inmates are running the institution," which is sometimes regarded as good business: "Give the customers what they want."
OK, Lehman, say it with me: A N A T H E M A

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