Friday, September 7, 2007


"Paradise Lost"
by Clifford Odets
produced by TimeLine Theatre Company

Aug 21, 2007

Well, here's an interesting dilemma: there was no Antagonist, just a house full of Protagonists: all pointing fingers at one another. This would explain the tediousness of the action on stage. Good acting, but spinning one's wheels in the mud is T E D I O U S. This production was a lot of work for me. I felt worn out.

Now how does that translate in the real world? The audience (Antagonist) forces the production company (Protagonist) to fight amongst its members, rather than turn and deal with them, the audience members. Yes, of course! Isn't this what Odets did to his fellow artists in life? He turned on friends and associates during the McCarthy Hearings. Of Course! Of Course! So for the play, "Paradise Lost," there was no drama, at all; just posturing, infighting and masturbating.

OK, then, why TimeLine? For whatever reason, the TimeLine producers have been cowed by their audiences. Yikes! I wouldn't want to have to be a member of that company!

What's the solution? Some member (any member!) of the production company must confront the audience (Antagonist). Why hasn't there been someone already? Is this a recent reticence? The arch-antagonist in the audience may be a new arrival. Hmmmm. . . I take that back about not wanting to be in the company. Let me at him. I'd like to front this guy. You see, that's how a person grows: facing one's antagonist, not cowering. OK. . .I guess I'll go apply for a job at TimeLine. "No"? What do you mean, "they don't pay anything." Oh. . . it's all volunteer work. My God, this Arch-Antagonist has got his tentacles tightly wrapped around the necks of these dramaturgs all. Who is this guy, anyway?!

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