Sunday, September 9, 2007


by Belinda Bremner
produced by Echo Theatre Company
at Theatre Building Chicago

Sept. 8, 2007

The Protagonist, a bus driver, is hired to drive a group of college students on a tour in an unidentified, remote area where a band of terrorists storm the bus, kill the bus driver, kidnap the students and hold them as hostages in a one room, abandoned building, which is where the action of the drama unfolds as they await their fate.

Did I get that right? The play starts after the Protagonist is killed? If I got that right, then here is a play without a Protagonist or, at least, one without a living Protagonist.

Excuse me, a moment, dear reader, while I make a phone call to someone who can clarify this issue. . . .

. . . I'm back. Was there a character named Chrissy in this play? Yes? OK, thanx. I'll be right back. . . .

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